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CQC Participates in the Development of the First International Standard Aligned with the UN SDGs

Recently, the International Organization for Standardization's Project Committee on Sustainable Development Goals Management (ISO/PC 343) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly published the publicly available specification ISO/UNDP PAS 53002 Guidelines for contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. China Certification & Inspection (Group) Co., Ltd. (CCIC) serves as the domestic mirror technical committee of ISO/PC 343, with the China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) specifically tasked with the secretariat work for the committee. During the standard development, CQC actively organized experts from relevant fields to participate in discussions and voting at various stages, contributing Chinese perspectives.


The "Guidelines for contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals" represents the first international standard related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing a transformative tool for various organizations to make greater contributions to the SDGs. The guidelines offer methodologies for organizations to set their own goals and targets aligned with relevant SDGs and indicators, thereby optimizing their impact on stakeholders and contributions to sustainable development. They assist organizations in identifying, prioritizing, and managing their impacts on stakeholders, and provide guidance on collecting relevant data and making decisions.

The implementation of these guidelines can help organizations and enterprises across the public and private sectors globally embed sustainability systematically and comprehensively into their strategies, decision-making, and operations. By maximizing the positive impact on stakeholders, it comprehensively promotes the practice and popularization of the SDGs across industries, fostering coordinated economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

In the future, CQC will expedite the national standard conversion process for these guidelines, guiding Chinese organizations to align their business objectives, strategic goals, and sustainability needs. It will also assist organizations in communicating more effectively with governments, regulatory agencies, NGOs, partners, investors, and other stakeholders to meet their growing and diverse needs and expectations in information disclosure, reporting, and auditing. Meanwhile, CQC will continue to perform its role as the secretariat for the ISO/PC 343 domestic mirror committee, actively organizing and coordinating domestic stakeholders to further advance standardization efforts in sustainability-related fields and promote the application and dissemination of relevant standards.

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