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Certification of Homestay Services Empowers Industry Development – CQC Delivers Training to Homestay Operators in Wenling

To enhance the service quality and strengthen brand building in Wenling's homestay industry, thereby further elevating the overall service standard in the sector, the Wenling Market Supervision and Administration Bureau organized the 2024 Wenling Homestay Service Certification Training Session on June 18th. Invited as a member of the International Alliance for Homestay Service Certification, the China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) conducted the training, with representatives from the Wenling Homestay Industry Association and nearly 50 homestay operators in Wenling participating.

During the meeting, officials from the Wenling Market Supervision and Administration Bureau emphasized the significance of pursuing a "standard + certification" development path for Wenling's homestay industry. By obtaining service certifications, homestays not only set benchmarks for the entire industry but also enhance the core competitiveness of regional homestays. The representative of the Wenling Homestay Industry Association expressed that this training is one of the critical initiatives the association undertakes to promote the standardization and normalization of the homestay industry. The association plans to organize similar trainings annually, infusing new momentum and vitality into the industry's development.

During the training, technical experts from the CQC Hangzhou Branch focused on interpreting the standard clauses of the "Requirements for Rural Homestay Service Certification" and the operational procedures for obtaining such certifications. Through case studies, they enabled participants to better grasp management methods for improving homestay service quality. Homestay operators actively engaged in discussions with the instructors, sharing their strengths and weaknesses in operations and aligning their service quality with industry benchmarks.

Looking ahead, CQC will continue to leverage its professional expertise and extensive experience in service certification to empower the high-quality development of the homestay industry through conformity assessment. Simultaneously, drawing upon the "Zhejiang Experience" of "standard + certification + alliance" in rural homestay service certification, CQC aims to drive the transformation, upgrading, and sustainable development of rural economies, contributing to Zhejiang Province's efforts to build a common prosperity demonstration zone.

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