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Technical Decisions on the Implementation of CCC Certification for Electric Bicycles

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the "Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules for Electric Bicycles" (CNCA-C11-16:2023) (hereinafter referred to as the 2023 edition implementation rules), the expert group for electric bicycles of the Certification and Accreditation Administration's TC27 (hereinafter referred to as the TC27 expert group) convened the first working meeting of 2024 on April 11-12 and discussed and formulated the following technical decisions:

1. Battery Requirements upon Factory Delivery of Electric Bicycles

Regarding section 2.3 of Appendix 4 of the 2023 edition implementation rules, which stipulates "The procurement of batteries and chargers should be the responsibility of the producer/manufacturer, and the batteries and chargers should be delivered with the electric bicycles, with relevant records confirming their delivery and ensuring consistency in quantity." Further detailed explanations are as follows:

- Electric bicycle producers should maintain complete records of battery procurement and those associated with factory deliveries.

- Electric bicycle producers/manufacturers should establish a traceability system for the matching of whole vehicles and batteries, including at least the vehicle model, vehicle identification code, battery manufacturer, model, unique code, and terminal sales date, recorded before terminal sales. Producers/manufacturers should regularly verify the authenticity and completeness of the aforementioned information.

- During post-certification supervision, the certification body should inspect the traceability system for the entire vehicle and battery information, along with the terminal sales date, ensuring that the number of batteries matches the number of vehicles sold; the quantity of product certificates uploaded should match the quantity of entire vehicles in the traceability system.

- In cases where electric bicycle producers/manufacturers have not established a traceability system for matching entire vehicles and batteries, electric bicycles should be equipped with all necessary components (including batteries and all accessories explicitly stated in the instruction manual) upon factory delivery.

2.Notice for the Implementation Requirements of GB 42295-2022 "Electrical Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycles" Testing Specifications and GB42296-2022 "Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycle Chargers" Testing Specifications。All certifying bodies are required to issue relevant notices or announcements, directing contracted designated laboratories to conduct type testing for electric bicycles in accordance with GB 42295-2022 "Electrical Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycles" testing specifications and GB42296-2022 "Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycle Chargers" testing specifications released by the TC27 expert group.

3. Deadline for CCC Designated Laboratory Certification Standard Filings

All CCC-designated laboratories for electric bicycles are required to obtain accreditation for GB 42295-2022 "Electrical Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycles," GB 42296-2022 "Safety Requirements for Electric Bicycle Chargers," and GB 14023-2022 "Limits and Measurement Methods for Radio Disturbance Characteristics Protecting Receivers External to Vehicle, Ship, and Internal Combustion Engine" by June 30, 2024. Additionally, they must complete the filing and approval of certification standards as required in the compulsory product designated certification body/laboratory approval system of the Certification and Accreditation Administration. Failure to comply with the set timeline will result in actions as outlined in the notification "Regarding Strengthening the Management of Testing Capabilities of Designated Laboratories When Revising Compulsory Product Certification Based on Standards," (Certification Secretariat Letter [2023] No. 52) issued by the State Certification and Accreditation Administration Secretariat.

All designated certification bodies should promptly inform the certification principals of the content of this technical resolution.

                                     China Quality Certification Centre

                                           May 20, 2024

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