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CQC Hosts Inaugural Meeting of the Carbon Neutrality Committee of the China Association for Quality Promotion

On April 26, 2024, the inaugural meeting of the Carbon Neutrality Committee of the China Association for Quality Promotion (CAQP) and the first session of the first committee were successfully held in Beijing. The China Quality Certification Cent (CQC) organized this meeting as the secretariat.

Zhang Qinrong, President of CAQP and former Deputy Director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine, delivered a speech. Bo Yumin, former Deputy Director of the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the State Administration for Market Regulation, spoke as the chief expert of the first Carbon Neutrality Committee. Xie Zhaoxu, Party Secretary and Chairman of CQC, addressed the meeting as the chairman of the first Carbon Neutrality Committee. Over 100 representatives from government departments, central and state-owned enterprises, certification bodies, and consumer goods manufacturers attended the meeting.

Zhang Qinrong highlighted that the Carbon Neutrality Committee was prepared and established in 2022, with its secretariat located at CQC. He expressed the hope that, leveraging the technical strength and industry advantages of its members, the committee would serve the nation's green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, and lead the healthy and sustainable development of the consumer goods industry at higher levels, in deeper fields, and over a wider range.

Xie Zhaoxu emphasized that CQC, as the secretariat of the Carbon Neutrality Committee, will fully leverage the committee's leading role. CQC will closely monitor domestic and international "dual carbon" policy development and use energy-saving, carbon reduction, environmental protection, and green technologies, along with certification, verification, and evaluation tools, to contribute to achieving China's "dual carbon" strategic goals across multiple levels, fields, and dimensions. He also provided specific suggestions for the future direction and positioning of the Carbon Neutrality Committee.

During the meeting, Wang Kun, Vice President and Secretary-General of CAQP, announced the official establishment of the Carbon Neutrality Committee and read out the list of the first committee members. The first committee reviewed and approved the "Management Measures of the CAQP Carbon Neutrality Committee" and initiated three standards, including the "Guidelines for Carbon Management System Construction and Evaluation."

In the future, CQC will continue to play a leading role in the industry, actively supporting the Carbon Neutrality Committee in laying out the "dual carbon" industry chain. While promoting technological innovation in the field of consumer goods quality and safety, CQC will engage in the development and implementation of carbon neutrality-related strategic development plans, standards, and industry regulations. This will effectively enhance the social responsibility and brand image of committee members, contributing to the achievement of China's "dual carbon" strategic goals and improving China's influence in addressing climate change.

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