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CQC Participates in SAMR Micro and Small Enterprise Quality Management System Certification Enhancement Action

From May 24-25, 2024, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) held the Micro and Small Enterprise Quality Management System Certification Enhancement Action Promotion Meeting and the High-Quality Development Site Meeting in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Liu Jiang, Deputy Managing Director of CQC was invited to release the "Initiative on Actively Fulfilling Social Responsibility and Demonstrating Quality Certification Commitment—Micro and Small Enterprise Quality Management System Certification Enhancement Action" on behalf of certification bodies and participated in the roundtable discussion on accelerating the development of new productive forces through quality certification.

In his speech, Liu Jiang emphasized that certification bodies are responsible for optimizing service certification supply in the quality improvement of micro and small enterprises, empowering regional high-quality development, supporting the acceptance of certification results, and maintaining the credibility of quality certification. The quality management system certification enhancement action for micro and small enterprises should be driven by professionalism and service, continuously advancing the action in a deep and practical manner. This will showcase new responsibilities and achieve new accomplishments in serving high-quality economic and social development.

During the meeting, CQC Hangzhou Branch signed the "Quality Certification Financial Service Agreement" and the "Quality Certification Insurance Cooperation Agreement" with relevant financial and insurance institutions. These agreements aim to provide technical, coordination, and information guidance and services to financial and insurance institutions for issuing quality certification loans, green certification loans, common prosperity certification loans, and quality certification insurance policies to micro and small enterprises. This initiative actively participates in Zhejiang’s efforts to use quality certification methods to cultivate new productive forces, promote high-quality development, and achieve common prosperity. It also seeks to expand the leverage effect of "quality certification + financial support" by promoting financial service cooperation through quality certification to enhance the quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy.

Over the years, CQC has actively participated in the quality improvement action for micro and small enterprises, providing assistance to over 2,000 enterprises in 36 industries and training 19,000 people. CQC has been recognized as an outstanding certification body in SAMR's "Micro and Small Enterprise Quality Management System Certification Enhancement Action." Nearly 40 quality improvement cases from CQC have been selected as excellent cases by SAMR and provincial market supervision bureaus. Several industry guides compiled by CQC have been adopted by SAMR. Additionally, CQC has produced quality micro-class videos and teaching materials for SAMR's "Comprehensive Quality Management Training Platform for a Million Enterprises" and the official Tiktok account of the "Micro and Small Enterprise Quality Management System Certification Enhancement Action."

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