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Notification on the Changes to the Energy Saving Certification Standards for Double-Ended Fluorescent Lamps for General Lighting

To All Concerned Enterprises,

The energy-saving certification standard GB 19043-2013 (hereinafter referred to as the "old standard") for double-ended fluorescent lamps for general lighting has been integrated into GB 19044-2022 (hereinafter referred to as the "new standard"), thus replacing the old standard. Consequently, CQC has revised the CQC31-465132-2013 "Energy Saving Certification Rules for Double-Ended Fluorescent Lamps for General Lighting," involving product certification category 701402. The following requirements for the implementation of the rules based on the new standard are outlined as follows:

I. Key Revisions to the Implementation Rules

1. Revised section 4.1.2 and to align with the new standard GB 19044-2022, including corresponding adjustments to inspection items, indicator requirements, and inspection criteria.

2. Other editorial text revisions

II. Requirements for Implementing the New Standard and Rules

1. Effective from March 25, 2024, energy-saving certification for double-ended fluorescent lamps for general lighting will be conducted based on the new standard, and certificates will be issued accordingly.

2. For products previously certified by the old standard, certificate holders are required to apply for the conversion of their certification to the new standard within one year from the implementation of the new standard. No additional differential testing is required, and new certificateswill be directly reissued. The conversion process for certificates under the new standard must be completed by January 1, 2025. Certificates not converted within this timeframe will be suspended by CQC. If the conversion process is not completed within three months of suspension, old certificates based on old standardwill be revoked.

3. This announcement regarding the implementation of the new standard for energy-saving certification of double-ended fluorescent lamps for general lighting does not exempt related products from the responsibilities stipulated by the laws of the People's Republic of China on standardization.

4. CQC is now accepting certification applications based on the new standard. You may submit certification applications through the CQC's official website (www.cqc.com.cn). For specific inquiries, please contact the relevant certification engineers.

5. Contact Information: New Energy Product Certification Department, Lighting Appliances Department, 010-83886530.

                                           China Quality Certification Centre

                                                    March  28.2024

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