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Addressing Climate Change
  • National and Pilot Carbon Emission Trading

National Carbon Emission Trading Verification

Since 2016 when the national carbon emission trading authority began to prepare national carbon emission trading, CQC has been accredited as a verification body in nearly 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, providing third-party verification services for thousands of major emission entities.

Pilot Carbon Emission Trading Verification

Since 2011 when the National Development and Reform Commission launched the pilot schemes on carbon trading in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangdong, Hubei and Shenzhen, CQC has obtained the qualification as a third-party verification body for carbon emission in all pilot areas, carrying out verification for more than one thousand major emission entities.

  • GHG Emission Reduction Mechanism

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

CQC became a designated operational entity (DOE) approved by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board (UNFCCC CDM-EB) in March 2009. It is qualified to conduct validation and verification for CDM projects in 15 fields, etc.

China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER)

In June 2013, the National Development and Reform Commission formally approved CQC as the first validation and verification body for GHG voluntary emission reduction trading projects. CQC is qualified to conduct validation and verification for CCER projects in 15 professional fields including energy industry.

Verified Carbon Standard(VCS)

Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is a widely used GHG voluntary emission reduction standard in the world. CQC became a validation/verification body (VVB) of VCS in 2012 and a VVB of Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCB) in 2018. It applies to VERRA (VCS and CCB Management Agency) for the issuance of emission reductions.

  • Forestry and Ocean Carbon Sink

The development of forestry carbon sink industry is an important part of implementing the decisions and plans of national ecological civilization construction. CQC was qualified for CDM, VCS and CCER forestry carbon sink project validation and verification (certification). For many years, CQC has carried out the validation and verification for various types of forestry carbon sink projects, such as afforestation, forest management, and conversion from logging to protection. The quality of project audit has been highly recognized in the industry. In 2021, the Zhanjiang Mangrove Afforestation Project, approved and verified by CQC, was successfully registered as China's first mangrove carbon sink project that meets the VCS and Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCB), and issued the first phase of emission reductions. This is a new breakthrough in the development of carbon sink projects in China and a new exploration of CQC's climate change business.

  • Aviation GHG Emission

Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires all international flights covered by the CORSIA to monitor, report and verify their carbon emissions since 2019. CQC was deeply involved in the preparation and discussion of CORSIA regulations, and became one of China's first bodies to carry out the CORSIA verification.

As a third-party verification body recognized by the China Air Transport Association and CNAS, CQC has been conducting verification for the carbon emission accounting and reporting of the vast majority of domestic airlines for many years, and has participated in the preparation of carbon emission accounting and verification guidelines for the civil aviation industry. Its professionalism has been unanimously recognized and praised by the industry.

  • Green Finance

Climate Bonds

The Climate Bond Standard (CBS), developed by the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI), is one of the most commonly used green financial instruments for investors and stakeholders in the world to judge the nature of bond issuance to address climate change. CQC became a third-party verification body authorized by the Climate Bond Standards Committee in December 2017 to help issuers with professional services such as pre-issue certification verification of climate bonds and continuous information disclosure verification after issuance, and provide professional support for green finance.

Carbon Emission Information Disclosure

CQC can provide listed companies with carbon emission information disclosure verification services to ensure the authenticity and reliability of their carbon emission disclosure information, in an effort to provide investors with investment decision reference.

Green Bond Evaluation and Certification

On October 31, 2022, CQC was successfully registered as a green debt financing tool evaluation and certification body through the evaluation of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors, and can carry out green debt financing tool evaluation and certification services.


  • Climate Change Adaptation

In terms of climate change adaptation, CQC provides verification for climate change adaptation reports in accordance with ISO14090 Adaptation to Climate Change—Principles, Requirements and Guidelines, the world's first climate change adaptation standard issued by the International Organization for Standardization in June 2019. The verification for climate change adaptation reports will help various organizations, including enterprises, to assess the impact of irreversible climate change risks, actively develop and implement effective adaptation plans and measures, so as to improve the adaptability to climate change, enhance the ability of sustainable operation, stabilize the supply chain, and make greater contributions to climate change.

Vulnerability Assessment

CQC prepared the Wuhan Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report with other departments, and formulated the climate change vulnerability assessment guidance standard on the urban level - Urban Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Guide. CQC can provide urban climate change vulnerability assessment services to support government decision-making related to the climate change adaptation.

  • AA1000 Sustainable Development Verification Qualification

CQC has been approved as an AA1000 sustainable development verification body, which can carry out the verification service for sustainable reports (ESG reports) in Chinese Mainland.


After obtaining this international qualification, CQC has further expanded the scope of ESG business. It can now provide a series of services such as ESG evaluation, ESG training, ESG report preparation, and ESG report verification, and more comprehensively assist enterprises in enhancing their sustainable development capabilities.

  • Regional, Organizational GHG Inventories

Preparation of GHG Inventories on Provincial, Municipal and County Levels

CQC undertook the GHG inventory preparation work on provincial, municipal and county levels, including Hubei Province, Guangdong Province, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Hunan Province, Zhejiang Province, etc.

Organizational-Level GHG Inventory Verification

ISO14064-1 standard is an international one for accounting and reporting of GHG emissions at the organizational level. To enhance the credibility of an organization' GHG emission reports, CQC can provide ISO 14064-1 organizational-level GHG inventory verification.

  • Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Technology Services

In recent years, in terms of scientific research, platforms, and standardization research in the field of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", CQC has undertaken multiple research projects in addressing climate change commissioned by multiple national ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, as well as international organizations such as the World Bank, and local authorities. Additionally, as the secretariat of platforms such as the National Low Carbon Product Certification Technical Committee and the National Carbon Emission Management Standardization Technical Committee, CQC has organized and undertaken the industry planning and drafting of technical standards in various certification fields such as response to climate change and low-carbon product certification.

CQC can provide carbon peak path planning and carbon emission management system certification services for various types of enterprises such as central and state-owned enterprises, help enterprises understand the background of carbon emission data, and establish a green and low-carbon operation management system, providing strong technical support for the green, high-quality development of enterprises.

Assessment of Near-Zero Carbon Emission Demonstration Zone

CQC established assessment and prediction models for Near-Zero carbon emission zones, and developed overall technical roadmap for Near-Zero carbon emission zone demonstration project construction in Guangdong Province. CQC offers Near-Zero carbon emission zone assessment services and provides technical support to build Near-Zero carbon emission zones.

Low Carbon Community/Industrial Park/Campus Evaluation

CQC has developed local standards for low-carbon community evaluation in Beijing, Guangxi, etc. It can provide low-carbon community evaluation services to help communities understand the current status and target gaps in their development and provide technical guidance for the building of low-carbon communities.

CQC undertook pilot development projects for low-carbon industrial parks in Sichuan, Fujian and other regions. CQC can provide professional and technical solutions for the development of low-carbon industrial parks by promoting low-carbon technologies and products, upgrading low-carbon production patterns and better innovating the application of low-carbon technologies and products.

  • Carbon Neutrality Verification and Certification

CQC has been committed to the evaluation, certification, and standardization of carbon neutrality since 2010, and has completed multiple activities related to carbon neutrality, including the EPEC Industrial Products Exhibition, the Kunshan Electronic, Electrical and Equipment Show, the CAS - Xinjiang Cooperation Conference on Science and Technology, the Zhenjiang International Low Carbon Expo, and the Carbon Neutrality Boao Forum. The carbon neutrality for organizational operation serving Xinmei Electric, Kunshan Jue-Choung Electronics, Baihe Weaving, Haier, Hisense, etc., and the carbon neutrality for construction operation serving AVIC Capital Tower, Zhengding Government Service Center, Nanchang Hangxin Building, etc., all produce an excellent demonstration effect, providing professional technical services for customers' carbon neutrality plans and goals.


Contact Person:Jin Wei

Tel.: 010-83886148.

Email: jinw@cqc.com.cn

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