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Designated Labs for CCC of Li-ion Batteries and Other Products


According to Regulations on Certification and Accreditation, Measures for the Administration of Compulsory Product Certification Institutions and Laboratories and CNCA's Announcement on the Designation of Laboratories for China Compulsory Certification of Li-ion Batteries and Other Products(No.5 of 2023), the announcement on the decision about designation of laboratories for China Compulsory Certification of Li-ion batteries and battery packs, portable power supplies used by electrical and electronic products is made hereby.

Anyone who disputes the decision shall submit an appeal or complaint to CNCA within 15 working days on the release of the announcement(indicate the contact person and contact information).

Certification and Accreditation Administration of the P.R.C

June 5, 2023

With note of the latest SAMR Notice No.23, CQC has revised Implementation Specifications for Compulsory Product Certification of Electronic Products and Safety Accessories, and will begin to implement the SAMR Notice No.23 as follow:

According to the “State Administration of Market Regulation on the implementation of mandatory product certification management of lithium-ion batteries and other products Announcement" (No. 10 of 2023), since 1st August 2023, the designated certification body will formally implement the new inclusion of CCC certification of products, in accordance with the implementation rules for mandatory product certification and the applicable standards listed in the Annex. Under the premise of controllable certification risk and quality assurance of certification, actively adopt the existing conformity assessment results, reduce the burden on enterprises and facilitate the certification of enterprises.

According to CNCA Notice No. 10 of 2023, CNCA-C09-01:2023 "Rules for Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification Electronic Products and Safety Annexes" (hereinafter referred to as the "new version of the rules") was issued on 28th June 2023, replacing CNCA-C08-01:2014 "Rules for Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification Audio and Video Equipment". CNCA-C08-01:2014 "Compulsory Product Certification and Implementation Rules for Audio and Video Equipment", CNCA-C09-01:2014 "Compulsory Product Certification and Implementation Rules for Information Technology Equipment" and CNCA-C16-01:2014 "Compulsory Product Certification and Implementation Rules for Telecommunication Terminal Equipment" (hereinafter referred to as the "old version of the Rules").

In order to ensure the orderly development of compulsory product certification of electronic products and safety accessories, CQC has revised and issued CQC-C0901-2023 "Implementation Specifications for Compulsory Product Certification of Electronic Products and Safety Accessories" (see Appendix 1, hereinafter referred to as "the new version of the Specifications"), which replaces CQC-C0801-2016 'Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Specifications Audio and Video Equipment', CQC-C0901-2016 'Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Specifications Information Technology Equipment' and CQC-C1601-2016 'Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Specifications Telecommunications Terminal Equipment', the main revisions are set out in Appendix 2.

The relevant implementing requirements are notified as follows:

1. The new specifications are to be implemented starting from 1st August , 2023. Valid CCC certification certificates issued in accordance with the old specifications can continue to be used. In the later stage, they can be naturally transitioned to certificates of new implementation rules through means such as expiry replacement, standard revision, product change, etc.

2. From 1st August, 2023, CQC will formally implement CCC certification for products newly included in the CCC catalogue according to the "Announcement of the State Administration of Market Regulation on the Mandatory Product Certification Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Other Products" (No.10,2023). The requirements for the acceptance of existing qualified evaluation results can be found in Attachment 3.

3. Contact:

Zhang Feng 010-83886577

Feng Qian 010-83886303

(You may contact the engineers to obtain the above mentioned Annex and attachments.)

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