Recently, CQC officially joined the Open Islands Open Source Community ("Open Source Community") and served as the leader of the data quality group. Collaborating with community partners, CQC will help create a data ecosystem, contributing more resources and ideas to support high-quality data development.
The data quality group members include representatives from government agencies, universities and enterprises, sharing their experiences, skills and best practices in data management, governance, service, evaluation and certification to foster exceptional data development.
Open Islands, initiated by the Shenzhen Data Exchange along with 50 national think tanks, universities, and large enterprises, is China's first open-source community dedicated to establishing a credible data element circulation system. The community focuses on technology open source collaboration, industry standard setting and data element scenario implementation, exploring and deploying cutting-edge technologies such as privacy computing, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence.
In the future, CQC will leverage the data quality group to actively explore the data property rights system, promote data compliance management, strengthen cooperation with relevant industry institutions, and deeply study data industry trends. By continuously advancing its technological expertise and service level, CQC will make more significant contributions to enhancing the efficient circulation of data and the high-quality growth of the data element market.