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Siemens China Visited CQC
Public Time:2021-04-15 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On April 13, 2021, a group led by Zhang Jun, Head of Regulation Standardization and Quality of Siemens China, visited CQC. The Deputy Director of CQC Zeng Guangfeng and the representatives from the International Cooperation Department, Product Certification Department V, and Quality Technology Department attended the meeting. 


During the meeting, Siemens first brought greetings from Mr. Matthias Gommel, General Manager of Standardization for the Asia-Pacific and Americas of Siemens Technical Regulations and Standardization Department. Subsequently, the two parties reviewed their cooperation in recent years and introduced their latest changes and business development. During the period, the two parties conducted in-depth exchanges on practical issues such as CCC certification changes and trends, type II voluntary certification, the use of CQC marks, and electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres.


As a long-term partner, Siemens has always maintained a close and deep cooperative relationship with CQC. This visit has enhanced mutual understanding, deepened trust, and established a bridge of communication. In the future, CQC will remain committed to giving full play to its professional advantages, continue to listen to the needs and practical difficulties of clients on the basis of consolidating existing cooperation, and provide clients with more comprehensive technical services, and ultimately achieve profound cooperation and mutual benefit between the two parties.

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