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Midea Group visited CQC
Public Time:2021-04-13 Origin:中国质量认证中心


On April 9, 2021, a delegation led by Li Guolin, Vice President of Midea Group, visited CQC. Managing Director of CQC Xie Zhaoxu, Deputy Director Qi Shuang and relevant representatives from related departments attended the meeting.


Xie Zhaoxu first extended a warm welcome to Li Guolin and the delegation. He said that CQC and Midea Group have maintained a close and profound cooperative relationship for many years in a number of fields. CQC is willing to continue to use its professional advantages to consolidate existing cooperation, and at the same time explore new service areas, and work together with Midea to achieve win-win cooperation.


Li Guolin introduced the development, business fields, technical capabilities, and the transformation directions of Midea Group, focusing on the innovation and exploration of Midea in high-quality development and emerging technologies. He expressed that Midea would like to carry out in-depth cooperation with CQC in standardization construction, subject research, excellence evaluation, model innovation, etc., and hopes that CQC will use the professional and technical advantages as the third-party body to help Midea continuously improve quality.

This visit has deepened mutual understanding and trust. In the future, the two sides will continue to strengthen communication and actively explore more cooperation space to achieve mutual development.

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