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CQC Shenyang Visited Anshan Ecological Environment Bureau
Public Time:2021-03-02 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On February 4, 2021, a team led by CQC Shenyang visited the Anshan Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment with the Secretary-General of the Liaoning Environmental Protection Industry Association and made exchanges on climate change. The Deputy Director of the Anshan Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment and relevant personnel from the Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change Division participated in the discussion.


CQC Shenyang introduced its general information, the work done in response to climate change in recent years, especially the carbon emission verification work in Liaoning Province that began in 2016 and the key emission companies in Anshan that have been undertaken carbon verification tasks for three consecutive years; through the collation and analysis of relevant data, CQC Shenyang gave a detailed interpretation of Anshan's carbon emissions and energy consumption, explained the inventory compilation as well as the path to carbon peaking, and proposed the recommendations for climate change.

The Anshan Ecological Environment Bureau fully recognized the work of CQC Shenyang and delivered the gratitude for the support given to the Anshan Eco-Environment Bureau, stating that it would set up a special work group to implement related matters; at the same time, it also raised its own practical difficulties and hoped that CQC Shenyang would provide technical support and complete the preparation of the carbon peak plan.

CQC Shenyang responded that CQC will better provide technical support for Anshan City's climate change work, and continue to serve Anshan City with high-quality services.

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