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CQC:Build the "Beijing Service" Brand and Improve the City Quality
Public Time:2021-03-02 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In order to improve service quality of Beijing and build the "Beijing Service" brand, CQC has been actively providing technical services such as standard setting, quality evaluation, big data analysis with its own expertise and influence.

Since 2019, CQC has been entrusted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce to undertake service quality evaluation for commercial retail enterprises in Beijing for two consecutive years. It has successively formulated and issued the "Beijing Commercial Retail Enterprise Service Quality Management Standards (Trial)" and "Beijing Commercial Retail Measures for the Evaluation of Enterprise Service Quality (Trial) and Specifications for the Evaluation of Service Quality for Commercial Retail Enterprises in Beijing (Trial).


In 2020, CQC conducted the evaluation of the service quality of 4 business types including "shopping malls (department stores), supermarkets, exclusive stores, and convenience stores" in 17 districts in Beijing. In the meanwhile, CQC also set up a professional review team and randomly inspected the service quality of 218 commercial and retail enterprises under principle of "customer perception as the orientation, service quality as the core, and mystery customer as the form", and wrote the "Beijing Commercial Retail Enterprise Service Quality Analysis Report" based on the satisfaction survey from more than 4800 citizens. As a guideline for the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce to improve service quality, the report was issued and dispatched to the district commerce bureaus on February 2, 2021, which will further promote the intelligent, diversified, and internationalized retail industry in Beijing, and better meet the growing needs of the people in the capital for a better life.


In 2021, CQC will cooperate with the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce to promote the integration of business system by formulating service quality standards and specifications and improve the service quality evaluation system to help build Four major demonstration projects of "Beijing Efficiency", "Beijing Service", "Beijing Standards" and "Beijing Integrity" for the high-quality development of the capital city.

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