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CQC Shenyang Visited Liaoning Provincial Environment Protection Technology Center
Public Time:2021-02-22 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, a delegation led by CQC Shenyang visited Liaoning Environment Protection Technology Center for exchanges. Personnel from relevant departments such as Liaoning Environmental Protection Association, Liaoning Provincial Information Center, Liaoning International Engineering Consulting Center participated in the visit.


During the exchange, the participating departments introduced the work experience of Liaoning Province in dealing with climate change in recent years. The Liaoning Environmental Protection Association is the direct support unit of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment. As the member of the Association’s Climate Change Committee, CQC Shenyang reported on the work of Liaoning Province’s response to climate change and conducted in-depth analysis of emissions data over the years, and put forward suggestions and opinions on how to complete the provincial carbon peak plan.

The leaders of the Liaoning Provincial Environmental Protection Technology Center expressed gratitude to everyone for sharing the valuable experience, and at the same time stated that they will strengthen exchanges in the future and jointly help Liaoning Province to successfully complete the provincial carbon peak plan.

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