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Hubei Provincial AMR Visited CQC Wuhan
Public Time:2021-01-14 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On January 11, 2021, a delegation led by Deng Min, Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Administration for Market Regulation visited CQC Wuhan branch to make exchanges around better playing the role of certification, inspection and testing to "deliver trust and serve development".


At the symposium, the manager from CQC Wuhan introduced the basic situation and business operations of CQC, including the development of CCC certification, voluntary certification, product testing and metrology calibration business in Hubei Province; reported the works and outcomes in fighting the epidemic as well as measures such as fee reductions, free assistance taken to support the resumption of work and production of certified enterprises after the restoration of the Hubei epidemic in the past year. Subsequently, the practice of the main responsibilities as the national certification body in strengthening the inspection and quality management, cooperating with AMR at all levels to provide innovation-driven services for the high-quality development of Hubei province, energy-saving and low-carbon development, C40 project and "integrated quality service station" construction and other aspects were shared during the meeting.


Hubei Provincial AMR praised the contribution of CQC Wuhan to the high-quality development of Hubei enterprises, and expressed appreciation and gratitude to the branch in fighting the epidemic last year and supporting the resumption of work and production of Hubei enterprises; it is proposed that in the future CQC Wuhan can maintain closer communication with the provincial bureaus, and actively support the technical service projects settled in Hubei, expanding the scope of voluntary certification, and play a leading role in promoting the high-quality development of Hubei's industry.

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