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CQC Held the 2020 International Certification Factory Inspection Seminar
Public Time:2021-01-06 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, CQC held the 2020 International Certification Factory Inspection Seminar by the means of virtual conference. More than 60 Representatives from relevant departments and branches of CQC attended the seminar.

At the meeting, Deputy Director of CQC Qi Shuang emphasized the relevant requirements for factory inspections under the current situation of epidemic prevention and control. Manager of the Beijing Inspection Department summarized the inspection work of foreign commissioned factories in the past year and shared the methods and experience of remote inspection in response to the impact of the epidemic.

The seminar invited senior technical experts from VDE, IQC and CQC to carry out training on PSE, VDE, IQC and other different system of factory inspection technologies In the mean while, the experts made in-depth comparison and analysis of the certification requirements of different institutions and the focus of factory inspection, conducting detailed exchanges with the participants.


This meeting promptly helped the auditors understand the new requirements for the work of various review systems under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and provided effective support for online and offline review and the sound development of enterprises.

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