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CQC&NAST: Inject Innovative Driving Force to Automotive Industry

On December 30, 2020, CQC and National Automobile Quality Supervision and Test Center (Xiangyang)(NAST) jointly established a R&D center for automobile innovative technology in Xiangyang. Deputy General Manager of CCIC and Managing Director of CQC Mdm.Lu Mei and General Manager of NAST Li Puming unveiled the plaque on behalf of both parties.

In her speech, Lu Mei spoke highly of the good cooperation foundation and fruitful cooperation results of the two parties in the past, and said that the establishment of the R&D center for automobile innovative technology is of great significance and will accelerate the building of an industry-based, market-oriented, R&D innovation system; it also marks a new stage for cooperation in certification and inspection. While building a higher-level innovation platform for each other, it will accumulate "new experience" and bring "new example" for the innovation and development of national inspection, testing and certification bodies.

Li Puming stated in his speech that with deep integration of the industrial revolution and new round of scientific and technological revolution, the joint R&D center by CQC and NAST not only conforms to the time trends, but also provide an innovation platform for both parties, which will further utilize the advantages of both parties, share R&D resources, and spur high-quality, leap-forward development.

After the establishment of the R&D center, the two parties will engage in comprehensive cooperation in the research of new standards, new product certification and testing technologies, promoting the innovation and development of the automotive industry, developing domestic and international technical service markets, and providing technical support for government projects.

Representatives from CQC Product Certification Department III, CQC Wuhan branch, Deputy General Manager of NAST, and the Standard, Regulation and Technical Research Department of NAST attended the event.

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