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CQC and Changchun Automotive Test Center Signed SFA
Public Time:2020-12-24 Origin:中国质量认证中心


On December 21, 2020, CQC and Changchun Automotive Test Center Co., Ltd. signed the "Testing and Certification Cooperation Framework Agreement" in Beijing. Li Zhongbang, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of CCIC, and Wang Guoqiang, Deputy General Manager of China FAW Group attended the event and delivered speeches. Lu Mei, Deputy General Manager of CCIC and Managing Director of CQC, and Song Mingjun, Chairman of Changchun Automotive Test Center, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. Song Xiangdong, Deputy Director of CQC, presided over the event.


At the meeting, Li Zhongbang said that certification and testing, as a high-tech service industry, is an important tool to strengthen quality management and improve market efficiency, CQC and Changchun Automotive Test Center have a history of cooperation in the field of automotive certification and testing for many years, and have achieved fruitful cooperation results, which also laid a solid foundation for deeper cooperation in the future. It is hoped that this cooperation will further the partnership and contribute to the development of the automobile industry.


Wang Guoqiang stated in his speech that China’s CCC certification system is the fourth product certification system accepted globally in the automotive sector after Europe, America and Japan, and it is particularly influential in countries along the ’’Belt and Road Initiative’’. CQC and Changchun Automotive Test Center have developed close cooperation, which not only meets their respective developing needs, but can also complement each other's advantages and work together for a win-win result.


In the subsequent speeches, both Lu Mei and Song Mingjun fully recognized the solid cooperation foundation of the two parties in the past, and said that the signing of this strategic cooperation agreement is of great significance and will build a higher level of innovation and development platform for each other, marking a new stage of cooperation in certification and inspection.


Li Zhongbang and Wang Guoqiang witnessed the signing ceremony together, and looked forward to the further cooperation between the two parties. After the signing of the agreement, the two parties will cooperate on automotive product testing and certification, national scientific research and testing equipment development, informatization , and big data analysis and utilization.

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