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For High-quality Development of Yangtze River Delta Region CCIC and Suzhou MPG Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement(SCA)
Public Time:2020-12-21 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In order to actively inject strong driving force to the "Belt and Road Initiative", the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the free trade pilot zone, strengthening inspection, testing and certification for high-quality development of Suzhou, on December 18, CCIC and Suzhou Municipal People's Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Xu Kunlin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Zengde, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of CCIC, Li Yaping, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Suzhou Municipal People’s Government, Lu Mei, Deputy General Manager of CCIC and Managing Director of CQC, Wang Xiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Suzhou Municipal Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Suzhou Municipal Government, Yu Xingnan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, Hu Zhibin, Deputy Mayor of Suzhou Municipal Government, and Zhou Wei, Secretary-General of Suzhou Municipal Government attended the meeting.



At the signing ceremony, Wang Xiang and Mdm.Lu Mei signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Strengthening the Cooperation in Inspection, Testing and Certification between Suzhou Municipal People’s Government and CCIC ". Xu Kunlin and Xu Zengde unveiled the " Suzhou-Design International Certification Alliance" and "Suzhou Certification Services Center" on the stage .




According to the cooperation agreement, the two parties will take the opportunity of " Suzhou-Design International Certification Alliance" to leverage the advantages of domestic and foreign certification resources, promote the development of "Suzhou-Design" brand certification, improve the supply quality of the industrial chain and social awareness of quality, fully facilitate the international trade. In the meanwhile, the two parties will explore the promotion and application of integrated innovation resources of "production-inspection-training-research" in "Suzhou Design", enhance brand competitiveness, and improve the certification supply system through "Suzhou Certification Service Center", which will provide enterprises in Suzhou one-stop, comprehensive certification services. At the same time, in order to strengthen the training of professional and technical personnel for inspection, testing and certification that are urgently needed in Suzhou, Suzhou will also establish the "Yangtze Delta R&D and Practice Base (Branch) of CCIC Institute" to train talents with a professional and precise training model.

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