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CQC Participated in the Poverty reduction Activity by MIIT
Public Time:2020-12-04 Origin:中国质量认证中心


Recently, Yu Wei, Deputy General Director, Gao Ping, Director of the Department of Raw Material of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, manager of Product Certification Department VI of CQC and relevant staff went to Laiyuan County, Hebei Province for poverty reduction activities.




Laiyuan country is a key place in the national poverty alleviation and development project, through discussions with local governments, enterprises, and on-site inspections of resettlement areas and industrial parks for relocated poor households, it was learned that Laiyuan County has vigorously developed the comprehensive utilization of solid waste, photovoltaic and other recycling resources, actively strove for green transformation. CQC put forward suggestions on how to use certification methods to accelerate targeted poverty alleviation and green development, and donated office equipment, school supplies and other materials to Beixinzhuang Village, a deeply impoverished village.


The joint participation in poverty alleviation with the Raw Material Department of MIIT is a charitable practice of CQC to give full play to its technological advantages for precise poverty alleviation. It is also the epitome of shouldering social responsibility to actively response to the national strategy and contribute to the social development.

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