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CQC Completed the on-site Quality Acceptance of the 17th OVC EXPO
Public Time:2020-12-04 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, the 17th "Optical Valley of China" International Optoelectronics Exposition and Forum grandly opened. As a third-party evaluation body, CQC Wuhan Branch has undertaken the quality acceptance work of the OVC Expo for the fourth time.


Through the effort of the project team, CQC formulated an acceptance plan according to the requirements of the organizer. The project team was divided into various professional groups such as exhibitor group, audience group, and forum group to carry out on-site acceptance work according to the plan. At the same time, the project team also conducted on-site investigations and evidence collection on concurrent activities such as epidemic prevention, publicity, new product releases, and compiled the acceptance report and satisfaction evaluation report of the Expo after the Exposition.

The quality acceptance carried out by CQC Wuhan have been given much credit by the organizer. In the future, CQC Wuhan will continue to leverage its technical and service advantages, actively explore third-party quality technical service models to contribute to the high-quality development.

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