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CQC In the “Mongolian” Mark Certification
Public Time:2020-12-04 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On November 18, 2020, the "Meng" (abbreviation for the Province of Inner Mongolia of China) mark press conference hosted by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Administration for Market Regulation was held in Beijing. CQC conducted the first "Meng" mark certification and issued the first certificate.


The "Meng" mark certification is a regional brand certification work carried out by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region government after consultation with the State Administration for Market Regulation to promote the development of advantageous and characteristic industries in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It follows the principle of "government guidance, market operation, standard orientation, certification support and enterprise willingness", through the method of "high standards + strict certification + strong supervision + excellent service" to build an internationally competitive regional brand.

Quality certification is a basic system for improving market efficiency under the market economy, and an effective tool for quality management as well as trade facilitation tool. As a “National Brand” third-party certification body, CQC has been committed to carrying out quality certification practices, assisting in promoting regional brand building, boosting local economic transformation and upgrading, and enhancing regional economic competitiveness.

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