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CQC Wuhan Held 2020 CCC Training Course of Automobile and Household Appliance
Public Time:2020-11-23 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In late October 2020, CQC Wuhan successively held training courses on the factory inspection requirements of the CCC certification for automobiles, household appliances and electronic products in 2020. Leaders and experts from Kaifeng Municipal AMR of Henan Province, NAST (Xiangyang), Henan Electronic Information Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, and enterprise quality management personnel from Hubei, Hunan, and Henan participated respectively.


During the training, representatives from the Henan Provincial AMR put forward new ideas and requirements for the certification work. The technical engineers of CQC Wuhan explained the new product standards, factory quality assurance capabilities, product consistency and product inspection for the company. At the same time, experts also answered the questions about the difficulties encountered by the company in the daily production and quality management process. In addition, the testing demonstration was arranged in the training that the participants could witness the EMC test on site. 


The trainings held by CQC Wuhan strengthened enterprises’ understanding of certification-related technical and regulatory requirements, especially the changes in new standards, and helped enterprises solve practical difficulties; at the same time, the training also had a positive effect on preventing and controlling certification quality risks and better enable enterprises continue to meet certification requirements.

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