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CQC Contributed to SAMR Quality Certification Series Events
Public Time:2020-11-23 Origin:中国质量认证中心

From November 9-11, 2020, co-hosted by the Certification Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation and the People’s Government of Huichang County, and co-organized by three certification bodies including CQC, the series events themed with "Quality Certification Boosts Huichang’s High-quality Development" were held in Huichang County, Ganzhou. Liu Weijun, Director of the Certification Department of the SAMR, Wang Fuping, Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, Li Wenxin, Deputy Mayor of Ganzhou City, as well as the Deputy Director of CQC Zeng Guangfeng attended the relevant activities.


Liu Weijun said that quality certification is highly professional and closely related to people. Only by making good use of quality certification can we more effectively promote the high-quality development and meet people's needs for high-quality life. Huichang is an ancient county, in recent years, the urban and rural outlook has been greatly improved. The Certification Department will give full play to its functional advantages, vigorously implement the rural revitalization strategy, and actively provide more targeted certification assistance services based on the actual situation of Huichang, striving to the high-quality development of Huichang by leaps and bounds.


Under the organization of the SAMR, CQC participated in a series of activities throughout the whole process, sending experts in the fields of market, agriculture, and service certification to study the Changfu selenium vegetable industry and participate in the enterprise consultation symposium, and donated cultural and sports wares to local schools. In addition, CQC also sponsored a painting competition “Beautiful Scenery & Green Homeland" in Huichang Primary and Secondary School. The event was launched in early October with a total of 518 art works submitted, and more than 140 excellent pieces were selected.


CQC has always attached great importance to social welfare activities and focused on using quality certification to contribute to poverty alleviation and regional development. In the future, CQC will further support poverty-stricken areas to enhance the driving force, accelerate high-quality development, and realize the transformation of CQC’s technological advantages into the social benefits of serving the society and the people, shouldering more social responsibilities.

Tan Wenying, deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, and the main leaders of the Ganzhou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and Huichang County participated in the relevant activities.

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