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CQC Held UAV Certificating and Testing Summit Forum
Public Time:2020-11-04 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, the 2020 China (Beijing) UAV Inspection and Certification Summit Forum and the founding ceremony of the UAV Inspection and Certification Committee of China UAV Industry Innovation Alliance hosted by China UAV Industry Innovation Alliance and organized by CQC was successfully held .


This conference is an important step for the 2020 Global UAV Application and Prevention & Control Conference. Representatives from more than 20 testing institutions and more than 100 guests attended the event. The manager from Product Certification Department III of CQC and the Secretary-General of the UAV Testing and Certification Committee presided over the meeting and announced the founding of the UAV Testing and Certification Committee, together with Wen Yunfeng, the vice chairman of China UAV Industry Innovation Alliance, they issued certificates to members and experts.

Wen Yunfeng said in his speech that the committee will stay committed to building a platform for exchanges, cooperation and promotion in the field of UAV testing and certification in China, enhancing dialogue and collaboration, establishing industry standards and regulations, expanding testing and certification applications, and Improving safety and quality of UAV to jointly spur the sound development of China's drone industry.


The Secretary-General of the UAV Inspection and Certification Committee stated in his speech that as the application of UAV is dramatically booming, the rise and development of the drone industry has brought unprecedented challenges to the testing and certification industry, but at the same time it has also cultivated new momentum for the development of testing and certification. It’s of great importance for testing and certification bodies to enhance their ability to serve social and economic development through innovations; constantly explore and transform new opportunities into new driving forces for high-quality development.

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