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CQC top manager Visited Hainan AMR
Public Time:2020-11-02 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On October 30, 2020, Vice President of CCIC and Managing Director of CQC Mdm. Lu Mei visited Hainan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation and had a meeting with the Director Mr. Zhang Dongbin.


At the meeting, Lu Mei expressed her gratitude to the Hainan Provincial AMR for its strong support to CCIC and CQC’s work over the years, and introduced the reforms and latest situation of CQC under the administration of SASAC as well as the main business. She also stated that with the guidance and help of the Hainan AMR, CQC will fully leverage its professional and technical advantages and contribute to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Zone.

Zhang Dongbin welcomed Lu Mei’s visit and gave the credit to CQC’s work in cooperating with the administrative supervision of certification and accreditation. Liu Chunmei, deputy director of the Hainan Provincial AMR, responded positively to the relevant work suggestions concerning the development of Hainan, and hoped that as the national-brand certification body, CQC can participate in and support the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port, further boosting the mutual development and cooperation.

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