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CQC Convened 2020 CB System Conference
Public Time:2020-10-26 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On October 15, 2020, CQC convened the CB system virtual conference. Representative from International Cooperation Division of the Certification Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, as well as representatives of the relevant departments of CQC and CB laboratories attended the meeting.

The summary report on the work of CB system in CQC in the previous year was made in the conference. The manager from International Cooperation Department fully recognized the important role that CQC has played in the international participation and international certification under the IECEE-CB system as the National Certification Body (NCB) of IECEE in recent years; and hoped that CQC can capture the emerging opportunities according to the new international landscape to make better use of the IECEE-CB international mutual recognition system in serving industry development and quality improvement, and to facilitate the development of international trade.

The conference also reported the international development of the CB system and the progress of various technical activities. The expert working groups respectively summarized the work of last year and discussed the technical issues of CB certification.

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