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Keep Committed and Carry on: CQC Staff was Awarded in Fighting COVID-19
Public Time:2020-10-26 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On October 22, the SASAC CPC Committee issued the "Decision of the SASAC on Awarding Outstanding Individuals and Outstanding Collectives of SASAC-Owned Enterprises in Fighting the Covid-19 Epidemic" and awarded Chen Jianguang and other 300 comrades the title of "Outstanding Individuals of SASAC-Owned Enterprises in Fighting Covid-19 Epidemic". Comrade Zhang Hong from CQC Wuhan won the title of Outstanding Individual in fighting the epidemic due to his great contribution to the construction of the Huoshenshan Hospital.



During the epidemic period, Zhang Hong was in the center of the epidemic. When he heard news that the Hushenshan Construction group urgently needed support, he drove more than 100 kilometers a day to the Hospital construction site and helped the construction work to late night for seven consecutive days, providing technical services such as electrical equipment selection, retrofitting, equipment quality control, and electrical safety risk management. He also used his professional knowledge to assist companies to solve technical problems on site and eliminate potential quality and safety hazards; when the supporting enterprises have insufficient technical personnel, he stepped up again and helped develop and confirm the design plan. In the end, Huoshenshan Hospital was put into operation as planned.


In the prolonged battle against the epidemic, Zhang Hong was impressed by the CPC as the party members shouldered the responsibilities and missions to combat against the epidemic day and night, and strengthened his determination to join the party. Finally, through remote video he participated in the oath ceremony held by the State Administration for Market Regulation and became an official candidate for the Communist Party of China.

This honor is not only the recognition for Zhang Hong, but also a significant mark to CCIC and CQC in their fight against the epidemic and effort to march forward in the difficult time. At present, the Covid-19 epidemic is still ravaging globally, as the "national-brand" quality certification body, CQC will continue to resolutely shoulder the social responsibility and mission, facing challenges, working tirelessly, and fight for the final victory of the battle. In the meanwhile, CQC will further implement the strategy of strengthening the country with high quality, build a prosperous society in all respects, and open up a new chapter!

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