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CQC & SAMR Visited Automobile Company BYD
Public Time:2020-09-28 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On September 22, 2020, a delegation led by Deputy Director of the Certification Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR)Bo Yumin visited Shenzhen BYD Co., Ltd. to know the resumption of work and production under the situation of epidemic prevention and control as well as make exchanges with the manager on certification works. Li Jun, deputy director of Shenzhen Administration of Market Regulation, and Song Xiangdong, deputy director of CQC, accompanied Bo in the visit.



Bo Yumin highly recognized BYD for its dedication and commitment during the epidemic, and showed her support to the company's active measures to resume work and production. She said that the SAMR has remained committed to “guarantee the quality bottom line” with compulsory product certification and “improve the quality up line” with voluntary product certification and to help the automotive industry develop with high quality through certification.


Lian Yubo, Vice President of BYD, said that the certification system and CQC have made great contribution to the quality management of enterprise and quality improvement of product. Under the current market environment, Lian hoped that the government will strengthen supervision, put forward strict access requirements, and rationally adopt and utilize the company's own testing capabilities during the implementation of certification; he also recommended the government to provide more support for trustworthy and reliable companies in policy .



Song Xiangdong said that BYD is an innovation leader in the new energy vehicle industry and a very important partner of CQC. The two sides cooperate closely in certification testing, innovative technology conformity assessment and other aspects. In the future, CQC will continue to further deepen the communication with enterprises, deliver trust with certification, and promote industry innovation and development with technical services.

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