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CQC Chengdu Joined the 2019 Annual Meeting for Carbon Emission Verification of Enterprises
Public Time:2020-09-28 Origin:中国质量认证中心


In order to further promote the carbon emission verification work and learn working experience, Department of Ecology and Environment of Sichuan province organized a summary meeting on the carbon emission verification work of key enterprises in the province. The meeting was hosted by the Department of Climate Change and Foreign Cooperation of the Department of Ecology and Environment with CQC Chengdu, Sichuan Academy of Environmental Policy and Planning, and Sichuan Academy of Environmental Sciences attending the meeting.

At the meeting, expert in carbon verification project of CQC Chengdu branch reported on the overall situation of the carbon emission verification work of related enterprises in Chengdu, Mianyang, Ganzi and Ziyang, and made a detailed introduction on the problems found during the verification process and suggestions for solutions .

After the review by the Sichuan Academy of Environmental Policy and Planning and other academies, CQC has become the only verification institution that has received an excellent rating for service quality.   The Department of Climate Change and Foreign Cooperation of the Department of Ecology and Environment fully recognized the work of CQC Chengdu, and hopes that CQC will continue to support Sichuan Province’s response to climate change in the future and continue to contribute to the green and low-carbon development in Sichuan Province with professional services.

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