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CQC Wuhan Held Training Course for Low-voltage Assemblies Technical Personne
Public Time:2020-09-28 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In response to the training needs of the enterprises, CQC Wuahan held a training course for personnel of low-voltage assemblies in Wuhan from September 3rd to 5th. More than 100 personnel from certified enterprises participated in the course.


In addition to systematic learning in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Training Materials for Technical Personnel of Low-Voltage Switch Certification Enterprises", the training also got the current domestic certification situation and the development of low-voltage assemblies industry involved, and gave a detailed introduction of the policies of self-deceleration of related enterprises and interpretation of the "Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules Self-Declaration" requirements; at the same time, the training also covered the technical analysis of the relevant non-conformance sampling test.


The training course is an important step to help enterprises resume work and production. It is also a good practice for CQC in fulfilling the social responsibility. To further support the enterprises in improving product quality and resuming production, CQC reduced 40% of training fees for enterprises, which was greatly welcomed and praised.

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