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CQC Convened Seminar on Climate Change Adaptation Standards
Public Time:2020-09-11 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On September 4, 2020, CQC held a seminar on standards of climate change adaptation and the expert-review meeting of climate adaptation research project conducted by Beijing Siliang Technology Co., Ltd.. Deputy managing director of CQC, Mr. Song Xiangdong, and experts from the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, Beijing Center for Climate Change, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Beijing Siliang Technology Co., Ltd. attended the meeting.


The meeting discussed the compiling and application of Adaptation to Climate Change–Principles, Requirements and Guidelines ISO14090 as well as the drafting of ISO 14091 and ISO/TS 14092. According to the relevant requirements of the standard, experts conducted an acceptance review of the "Beijing Siliang Technology Co., Ltd. Climate Adaptation Research Project" undertaken by the CQC, and unanimously agreed that the project conformed to the relevant requirements. Subsequently, Song Xiangdong issued the first ISO 14090 climate change adaptation report verification certificate of CQC to Beijing Siliang Technology Co., Ltd.


The seminar on international standard and the successful acceptance of the climate change adaptation project further improved CQC’s technical strength in climate change adaptation.  

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