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CQC Conducted Carbon Emission Verification of ICAO for Airline Companies
Public Time:2020-09-10 Origin:中国质量认证中心

ICAO carbon emission verification is a new area of greenhouse gas emission verification. After obtaining the qualification of the ICAO CORSIA carbon emission verification at the end of 2019, CQC has actively promoted this business in countries and regions along the “Belt and Road Initiative”. During the epidemic, regardless of difficulties, CQC studied relevant foreign rules and regulations, provided CORSIA carbon emission verification services for Cambodia Lanmei Airlines and Cambodia JC Airlines, and successfully cooperated with them to complete the work of submitting carbon emission data to the Cambodia Civil Aviation Administration.

As the first domestic verification agency with this qualification, CQC has signed agreements with Air China, Hainan Airlines and many other airlines, and completed the first civil aircraft carbon emission data verification work in the domestic civil aviation industry; it is also the only domestic company that conducts verification for foreign airlines.

In the future, CQC will continue to actively participate in green, low-carbon and sustainable development to echo with the "Belt and Road Initiative".

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