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CQC Held Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus Certification Seminar
Public Time:2020-09-07 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On August 27,2020,CQC held a low voltage electrical apparatus certification seminar in Fuzhou. Representatives from CQC and branches attended the meeting.


The seminar focused on the business positioning of low voltage electrical apparatus certification, clients’ needs and development tactics combining with the implementation of self-deceleration evaluation on compulsory products. In view of the current work of CQC certificate conversion on low-voltage electrical apparatus, self-declaration submission, etc., experts in the seminar also made experience exchanges, problem analysis and discussions on how to further improve the work procedures; In addition, a very constructive talk was conducted targeting on how to expand acceptance of results on CQC certification of low voltage electrical apparatus as well as provide more value-added services to clients.


The seminar was conducive in promoting the understanding of the compulsory certification rule reform, sorting out the problems existing in the low-voltage electrical apparatus certification, and proposing improved measures. In the future, CQC will focus on the business positioning and development of low-voltage electrical apparatus certification, guarantee the safety, improve the quality, and continue to empower the low-voltage electrical industry with the value of certification.

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