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CQC South China Lab Convened Seminar on Automobiles Certification
Public Time:2020-08-31 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On August 13-14, CQC South China Lab held a seminar on the automotive product group client and the adjustment of the CCC certification in Liuzhou, Guangxi.


The seminar focused on the interpretation of the Announcement No. 44 of 2019, the implementation rules of self-declaration on compulsory product certification, and the new version of the 2020 "Implementation Rules for Compulsory Product Certification - Motor Vehicles" from the State Administration for Market Regulation. In the meanwhile, it also made it clear about the contents and requirements of factory inspections for CQC mark certification. The introduction and discussion helped participants have a deep understanding of the adjustment of the CCC certification, and lay the foundation for the implementation of the new compulsory certification rules for automotive products.


In addition, the South China Laboratory also introduced the testing capabilities of toxic and hazardous substances and related service cases. At the same time, the seminar collected different voices and needs from various auto companies, and provided a clear direction for further enhancing the ability of the South China Lab to better serve auto companies.

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