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Online Seminar on the New Implementation Rules for Electric Bicycle CCC Certification
Public Time:2020-05-22 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In order to enable electric bicycle manufacturers to directly understand the various measures of the new electric bicycles’ implementation details, CQC held a video conference with participants from the Certification Administration Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the technical expert group of the CNCA, the testing laboratories, and enterprise groups such as Yadi, Emma, Tailg, Xiaodao, Xinri, and Luyuan. More than 300 audience attended the conference.

CQC Product Certification Department III has made a lot of preparations for the conversion of electric bicycles from production licenses to compulsory certification, and successfully assisted enterprises to convert the market access system. At the same time, the extensive development of the industry also exposed many problems in quality control. Through this version of the implementation rules, CQC will further strengthen the production consistency requirements, to ensure the effectiveness of certification. The experts of CQC introduced the revision of the CQC’s implementation rules of electric bicycles, the testing of the new standard version of the lighting and reflector, and explained the requirements for the version change of the certificate.

After the meeting, CQC will continue to collect relevant questions and opinions from manufacturers, provide feedback in time.

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