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Make the Airport Greener: CQC Provide Carbon Emission Reduction Service to Shenzhen Airport
Public Time:2020-05-12 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On May 6, 2020, CQC won the bid of Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) level 3 project of Shenzhen Airport Co., Ltd. CQC has cooperated again with Shenzhen Airport in the field of addressing climate changes since providing Shenzhen Airport with ACA level 1, ACA level 2, carbon emission verification, carbon emission management and consulting services of green supply chain management.

In order to promote energy saving and emission reduction as well as efficient and high-quality service to our clients, CQC Shenzhen Branch, in epidemic prevention and control, actively responded to Shenzhen Airport’s demands for addressing climate changes, CQC Shenzhen Branch provided information about carbon management and ACA project and introduced the certification procedure of ACA level 3, certification status quo abroad, and implementation plan, by means of the internet, telephone and on-site communication. In this special period, we work with our certified clients to overcome difficulties and help them achieve green and sustainable development.

 Over the past few years, thanks to the cooperation with CQC in the field of climate changes, the emission per passenger Shenzhen airport has been significantly reduced, achieving a good emission reduction performance. Shenzhen Airport has been the only airport in mainland China that has passed ACA 2 and with the currently highest certification level in mainland China. Through ACA level 3 project, CQC will help Shenzhen Airport to enhance the emission reduction performance of its partners and the operation efficiency, further reducing the energy cost incurred during its operation.


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