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CQC Nanjing: Promote the Massive Health Standard Project in Lishui District
Public Time:2020-04-26 Origin:中国质量认证中心

From April 7 to 10, 2020, CQC Nanjing Branch has conducted field evaluations of canteens, farmers' markets, nursing homes and other places concerning standards, assessment methods and scores, and held discussions with relevant departments.


The "Massive Health Standard" project was jointly built by CQC and People's Government of Lishui District, aiming to create the Lishui sample of "Health China” as a conducive attempt of CQC in the field of service certification. Since the establishment of the Base for the Evaluation of Massive Health Service of CQC (Nanjing) in Lishui District last October, CQC has assisted Lishui District to carry out standard R&D, quality evaluation and technical services in the areas of people’s health level, healthy life, health security and healthy environment quality, striving to create a national technical standards innovation base and build a standard innovation public service platform.

In the next step, CQC Nanjing Branch will promote "Massive Health Standard" in other regions and projects to further enhance its influence in the field of service certification and expand the service certification business nationwide.

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