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CQC Carried Out Remote Factory Inspection with Foreign Cooperation Organizations
Public Time:2020-04-03 Origin:中国质量认证中心

In order to minimize the adverse impact of the epidemic on customers and ensure the effectiveness of certification, CQC and the foreign certification bodies reached an agreement through mutual consultations to jointly formulate a plan on remote factory inspection, thus creating a new mode of factory inspection.

After investigating telecommunication technology, equipment, workforce and assessing the certification risks through online discussion and technical analysis by CQC Factory Inspection Department, they jointly compiled the guidelines such as the Remote Factory Inspection Procedural Document, the Client Notice on Remote Factory Inspection and the Client Confirmation on Remote Factory Inspection, based on IAF MD 4 /CNAS-CC14 The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Auditing Purpose, and then they formally launched the remote factory inspection for VDE and IRAM certification on March 27.

Although remote factory inspection is a temporary measure to cope with the epidemic at present, it will become an important supplementary or substitute method of on-site factory inspectionalong with high-tech progress and applications, especially in the 5G era.


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