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CQC Nanjing Branch in the Fight Against the Novel Coronavirus
Public Time:2020-02-08 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Amid the outbreak of novel coronavirus, negative pressure isolation ambulances were badly needed in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. So the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) asked Wuxi Branch of SAICMAXUS to manufacture 60 negative pressure isolation ambulances as soon as possible. To ensure the quality and safety of the ambulances, CQC Nanjing Branch, entrusted by Industry and Information Technology Department of Jiangsu, set up a project team together with Jiangsu Commission of Health and Administrative Department for Market Regulation. From February 3 to 5, the team carried out an on-site surveillance audit for the first batch of the ambulances.


Once receiving the assignment on the evening of February 2, CQC Nanjing Branch immediately had a teleconference for work deployment. After drafting the Inspection and Supervision Plan for the Negative Pressure Isolation Ambulance (hereinafter the Plan) in the evening, specialists carried out on-site audit the following day. The team was on standby and fully cooperated with the factory. As soon as a batch of production was completed and the sampling requirements were met, the team immediately carried out the inspection at the production site. Within three days, the team focused on the overall functions of these ambulances based on the Plan and guided the enterprise to strictly implement the Technical Specifications for Safety of Power-driven Vehicles Operating on Roads (GB 7258-2017) to ensure the quality and quantity of the urgent task.


CQC, with its professional advantages of technologies, resources and services, has been making all efforts in the fight against the ongoing novel coronavirus epidemic.  


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