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CQC in the Fight Against COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, all CQC party branches and party members and leaders have put employees' safety and health in the first place, establishing a leading group for epidemic prevention and control.

They have supported the production and operation activities of enterprises during the "war against epidemic". In order put anti-epidemic products into use as soon as possible, CQC staff worked overtime with professional skills and advanced technology for the supervision and inspection of the quality and safety of products. Meanwhile, measures for customer convenience and quality assurance have been taken to provide non-stop customer service, including "online plus on-site" office, online payment, WeChat and other means. And a green special channel has been launched for the products related to fighting or alleviating the outbreak. Furthermore, by speeding up the introduction of e-certificate, customers at home and abroad can enjoy a more secure, convenient and efficient information service, with the organic combination of prevention and control of the epidemic and business promotion at the critical time.

During the severe epidemic, CQC Wuhan Branch was at the forefront of the epidemic, with all CQC employees caring about the physical and mental conditions of the employees of Wuhan Branch. They have made various forms of cards to send warmth and blessings in a special way to boost their spirit and pass positive energy with the confidence and determination to fight this epidemic together.

In addition, in response to the needs of anti-epidemic materials in Wuhan Branch, everyone carried forward the spirit of "when disaster struck, help came from all sides", and quickly confirmed the supply channel of materials such as disinfectant, thermometer, and protective gloves to help solve practical difficulties together.

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