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CQC Attended the Belt and Road Initiative International Cooperation Forum on E-commerce
Public Time:2019-12-04 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On November 29, 2019, the Belt and Road Initiative International Cooperation Forum on E-commerce, sponsored by Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the People's Government of Putian City, was held in Putian. China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) was invited and Li Guozhen, Deputy Managing Director of CQC, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Conformity Assessment Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative's Development of Cross-border E-commerce."


The forum was held with the theme of "Building an Open, Affordable and Innovative Digital Silk Road", when one summit forum and three theme forums with topics of cross-border e-commerce, platform economy and the new business model were involved. Its purpose was to conduct in-depth discussion about the mutually beneficial development, cooperative development and innovative development of e-commerce in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road.

Nearly 500 guests from the relevant government departments, commerce departments of provinces and municipalities, regional governments, E-commerce associations, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test sites, academic research institutions, enterprises, and the Belt and Road countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Greece, India, Haiti and Australia attended the forum. Relevant personnel of CQC International Cooperation Department also attended the meeting.


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