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CQC Held 2019 Seminar on Supervision After Obtaining Certificates in North China
Public Time:2019-11-20 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On November 14-15, 2019, the China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) held Seminar on Supervision After Obtaining Certificates in North China. Xu Shiyu, Director of the Department of Certification of the State Administration for Market Regulation, Song Xiangdong, Deputy Managing Director of CQC, and representatives from the departments of administration for market regulation of five provinces and cities in North China participated in the seminar. CQC first introduced its business development, capacity building and philosophies of quality, and reported the results of supervision after obtaining certificates, risk prevention and control, quality improvement and enhancing service in North China in 2019. The representative introduced the measures and results of the institutional reform of the local bureaus and the implementation of the supervision work of "an Oversight Model of Random Inspection and Public Release Across the Board". Subsequently, they also exchanged ideas and discussed the problems found in the law enforcement by the local bureaus and solutions for these problems. This meeting strengthened the communication and coordination and laid a solid foundation for further improving the quality of supervision after obtaining certificates.



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