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CQC Got Qualification of the comprehensive utilization evaluation of industrial solid waste resources
Public Time:2019-09-09 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, Industry and Information Technology Department of Jiangsu issued "The First List of Evaluation Institutions for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources in Jiangsu Province" and China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) was successfully selected.

The comprehensive utilization evaluation of industrial solid waste resources is an activity for verifying the types and quantities of industrial solid waste used by enterprises that comprehensively utilize industrial solid waste resources and assessing the conformity of the technical conditions and requirements for comprehensive utilization.

Enterprises conducting this evaluation may apply for temporary exemption from environmental protection tax, added-value tax and income tax relief and other related industrial support preferential policies based on the evaluation results.

In the next step, CQC will conduct high-quality and efficient evaluation work for enterprises based on the document “Implementation Rules for the Comprehensive Utilization Evaluation of Industrial Solid Waste Resources in Jiangsu Province (Provisional)”.

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