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CQC Chengdu Branch: Single Tree Carbon Sink Targeted Poverty Alleviation of Guizhou Province in 2019
Public Time:2019-07-19 Origin:中国质量认证中心

From July 11th to 12th, 2019, CQC Chengdu Branch went to Zhuhai Town, Panzhou City to participate in the basic work of the single tree carbon sink targeted poverty alleviation of Guizhou Province in 2019.


Through the discussion with the town government and the leader of the village team, the research group understood the existing poverty villages and poverty-stricken households of Zhuhai Town in detail and grasped the status of local forest resources preliminarily. They also conducted the on-site investigation on the development conditions of bamboo forest carbon sinks in poverty-stricken villages such as Dacaozi Village and Shimen Village. At the next stage, the poverty-stricken households in line with the conditions of bamboo forest carbon sink development will be screened out in the poverty-stricken villages of Zhuhai Town. The single tree carbon sink targeted poverty alleviation will be implemented gradually in Zhuhai Town.


CQC Chengdu Branch undertook the single carbon sink methodology research and single carbon sink verification project in Guizhou Province in 2018. Supported by the competent department, it will continue giving full play to its own technological advantages to promote the development of carbon sinks and make more contributions to poverty alleviation, climate change mitigation and ecological civilization construction in Guizhou Province this year.

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