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CQC Held the Report and Exchange Meeting on Public Institutions Energy Conservation Work
Public Time:2019-07-16 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On July 12, 2019, CQC held the report and exchange meeting on public institutions energy conservation work in Beijing, attended by Song Chunyang, Deputy Director of Energy Conservation Department of the National Government Offices Administration, Vice President of CCIC/Managing Director of CQC Lu Mei and the leaders of relevant functional departments of both sides.


Lu Mei introduced the latest status of the related work of CQC. The Operating and Development Department of CQC reported the situation of its support for energy-saving work in public institutions and the ideas for the next step around the promotion of new technology products, the construction of energy-saving demonstration units and the management of energy-saving transformation projects.

Song Chunyang affirmed and thanked CQC for supporting public energy conservation work in recent years, introduced the latest situation of current energy conservation, and put forward relevant requirements for future work. In addition, the two sides fully exchanged and discussed how to further promote energy conservation in public institutions in the future.


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