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Memorandum on Auto Industry Certification in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
Public Time:2019-07-11 Origin:中国质量认证中心

"The Memorandum on the International Cooperation of the Belt and Road and the Automobile Industry Development Quality Certification Service in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone" was signed jointly by the Management Committee of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Shanghai Administration for Market Regulation and CQC.


A consensus on the optimization of the vehicle quality certification mechanism in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone was reached in the memorandum. It was aimed to promote the cooperation between the two signatories, build the import and export vehicle inspection laboratory in the bonded area jointly, optimize the CCC certification process of vehicle manufacturing enterprises, set up the import vehicle inspection and certification service window and online platform, deepen the product certification international cooperation of the Belt and Road, and promote the implementation of the service certification and evaluation project between research Institutions and universities around the whole automotive industry chain.


The signing of the memorandum plays a great role in the construction on the Belt and Road, the construction on the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the high-quality development of the automobile industry. It is the embodiment of the compliance of CQC with the market demand and its exploration on the institutional innovation. Under the premise of ensuring safety, the cooperative project in the memorandum will benefit the market and facilitate enterprises to a greater extent. Finally, it will provide the first-class service for our enterprises and market through "one institution", "one line", "one platform", “one-stop service" and "one mechanism".



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