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Xi’an Branch: Carbon Emission Report Verification Project for 42 Major Enterprises
Public Time:2019-07-03 Origin:中国质量认证中心

Recently, CQC Xi’an Branch successfully won the bid for the first phase of the carbon emission report verification project for the key enterprises to deal with climate change in Shaanxi Province. And it would carry out the carbon emission report verification service for 42 enterprises in Xi'an City, Xixian New Area, Weinan City and Hancheng City.


The bidding and purchasing of the project were carried out through the competitive consultation. With rich experience in the field of the carbon emission verification, combining the local characteristics of Shaanxi carbon emission, CQC made a detailed working plan and won the bid.

Next, CQC Xi’an Branch will carry out the carbon emission verification work strictly according to the requirements of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, relying on its professional technical ability and expert team. Thus, CQC will continue to support Shanxi Province in tackling with climate change as before.


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