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The Production Ministry of Argentine Approves the Bilateral Mutual Recognition Agreement between CQC and IRAM
Public Time:2018-12-21 Origin:中国质量认证中心

According to the official notice of the Argentine Republic, the bilateral mutual recognition agreement signed by China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) and IRAM has officially come into force.


IRAM was founded in 1935 and it is the National Standards Institute and National Certification Body of Argentina, independently engaged in certification activities. Its IRAM mark enjoys a high recognition in Argentina. As an Argentine Quality Certification Body and a long-term partner of CQC, IRAM signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with CQC in 2006 to recognize CB reports and certificates.

The signing and entry into force of the agreement is the further expansion and enhancement of the scope of CQC’s Argentine certification business, following the Production Ministry of Argentine approving another certification body IQC accept the CQC test report in 2017. According to the agreement, CQC can provide fully localized test and factory inspection services for the manufactures that export to Argentina. It facilitates the export of domestic enterprises to Argentina, expands CQC’s international cooperation and enhances the international influence of CQC.


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