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CQC Participated in the Annual Meeting of Energy Star Product Partners 2018
Public Time:2018-09-14 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On September 5, 2018, China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) participated in the annual meeting of Energy Star Product Partners 2018 held in Phoenix, USA. More than 300 representatives from manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, certification bodies and laboratories participated in the meeting.


The meeting summarized the achievements of the Energy Star Project in the United States in the past year, shared future policy development goals and development trend of technology application in the energy sector, and introduced the technical specification update of related products. In addition, experts from various non-governmental organizations, research institutes and large stores shared their contributions and solutions in promoting energy conservation.

CQC is the certification body of Energy Star authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States. The scope of authorization covers 13 categories, including household appliances, luminaries and IT products. This meeting is conducive to CQC timely tracking and mastering the technical specifications of various products of the Energy Star Project, understanding the latest policies and technological developments in the field of energy conservation in the United States, and further provide premium certification service for China's energy-efficient products.

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